The Power of Story

Why is Story so powerful?

  1. Story connects you to others

  2. Story provides an opportunity for reflection

  3. Story allows you to create a new ending/beginning

I recently had the opportunity to tell my story at a speaking event for an organization who’s Mission is to Prevent Child Abuse. I immediately felt compelled to tell my story, not my childhood story but my life story. I wanted to connect with my audience so that they new I understood their goal and why I was there. I was there for the same reason that they were. Their mission was my mission. My story connected to their mission. I didn’t need to provide details about child abuse, I just shared how my experiences in my childhood - past experiences, where ones I didn’t want to see repeated in the future. By sharing the context of my life, I was able to explain why I was there with them.

So, how do we tell our story without providing the gory details?

We can explain our context; who we were at different times, ages and grades, Ourfamily context(generational). Where we were and and what happened, and most importantly how we felt. We can share the good times and the bad.

At this event I explained where I grew up and who was in my family, my parents socioeconomic background and work and lifestyle. I explained how old I was when my first childhood adversity memories began.I shared how I felt and the impact at school and on my future work choices and relationships. I shared what was going on in the world during different periods of time I went to school, etc.

I explained resulting challenging outcomes in my life where unexpected hardships occurred that were likely a result of unresolved childhood adversity, and how each challenge was an opportunity to grow by understanding my story and telling the new next chapter. Several years ago I started writing and living my story, by making choices to create the life I want to live.

What was most amazing for me was the realization that my story lived within my body and mind and I could put the pieces together like a puzzle. I could see parts of me and how they now fit together to make a more whole me. The story is not over!

Here I am with an opportunity in each new day to reflect on my story and how I want it to be different. How I can take the time to notice where I am now, who I am with and what relationships are surrounding me to create the life I desire.

The power in writing my story is so strong. I took some time to connect with those that had supported me along my journey and thank them for being present with me. I took time to go inside and remember all that I had been through and that it had made me stronger and wiser. And each time I do this the story changes and gains clarity.

As I listen to the stories of others I hear my story. As I tell my story to others they hear their story. It also gives them permission and inspiration to tell their story. That connection creates a healing experience.

My new ending is a new beginning and will incorporate frequent story telling and listening to the story of others.

Together we can witness our changing stories for a better world.

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